Are you wanting more customers for your website?

We can help you rank higher in Google and dominate your competition

Discover how we can help you with your local Frisco SEO and online marketing

Watch this video and see how Total Online Marketing can help your business grow.


social media marketing

Social Media a Social Mess?

Total Online Marketing can work magic on your social media marketing. Let us provide you with award winning tips to get your name and brand recognized properly in the social media arena. We can help you with your Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, Pinterest and more! You don’t have to be hidden in Frisco TX. Your business can come alive!

online reputation management

Online Reputation Not So Shiny?

Online reputation metrics are used by your potential customers and clients to decide where to spend their money. If you haven’t been managing your online reviews, you might be missing out on lots of potential profits. Total Online Marketing can guide you through the dark maze of reviews and positive feedback!

search engine optimization

Search Engine Rankings Non-Existent?

When you search for your business key words, is your website no where to be found? Not on page 1 of Google, Bing and Yahoo? Not even on page 2, 3, 4… etc? Let Total Online Marketing help you with search engine optimization (SEO.) To help your Frisco SEO,  Total Online Marketing uses proven, SEO strategies that will get you ranked higher and get you more customers to your website.

professional website development

Website Look Like A Kid Did It?

There are lots of styles and ways to do websites. We all have favorite colors, fonts and layout styles. And while it is true that aesthetics and design tell a story, you want a website that will turn potential clients into sales. Let Total Online Marketing prove to you that website design doesn’t have to be done by magicians!

Important resources in Frisco TX

City of Frisco:

Frisco Economic Development:

Visitors & Convention Bureau:

Frisco Independent School District:

We will fix your search engine woes

Let the Frisco SEO gurus at Total Online Marketing help move your website from wherever it is in the search engines to a prominent place on the first page. We do this with PROVEN strategies and methodologies, partnering with you and your staff to make your internet marketing come alive.

Frisco SEO Guru